I'm being hypocritical using those asterisks!
I mean I abuse a lot.
Surpassing levels of what is considered an acceptable level of abuses for a girl.
Like take this example-
I have an examination on Physics tomorrow. In the vicinity of my neighborhood, some guy, some where is getting married.
Indians & Marriages = Food, Clothes, Bling & an annoying cacophony for the non-participant.
So yes there was a typical band baja wala.
Playing numbers which I (ordinarily) would have gyrated to without a thought. But then Physics - my bitch.
So in a case of 'grapes are sour' I started abusing. Cussing loudly in my room.
'F*** you motherf*****'
(I don't want to contaminate my blog with the real deal! :P)
And I realised it was a cathartic reaction, I was feeling blissful after doing this even though the music hadn't stopped!
Now this is what conclusion I came to, as humans we should cuss. Scream, abuse, yell.
Screw you!
It helps, in a massive way!
A study had proven that people who cuss everytime they stub their toe are in less pain after doing so in comparison to the ones who didn't do so.
So message for the week-
Next time you stub your toe, yell out-
'You cheap, whore-house resident d***head'!
Heck your neighbor pissed you off?
Your ex boyfriend can't get over you?
Let it out!!!
For f**k's sake. Abuse.