"There is a lot going on in my mind, even though there is barely anything going on in my life.
I love the idea of falling in love. Maybe that's why such shifting affections. Most of the time, my feelings don't get reciprocated because I read too much into someone's friendliness.
And the number of times this has happened is a little too high.
I can't understand what is with this plaguing demand for attention.
It is awfully shallow how someone's attention should determine my existence. On one hand, I'm all for wanting to be on my own, and all that independent woman jargon but give me attention and I turn into putty. My heart, my soul, everything belongs to you.
This giving in, is followed by a burn out phase, where I start fearing the oncoming onslaught of affection from said person and I run. Run in the opposite direction.
This is becoming a pattern and a pattern for this, isn't really a healthy thing.
I don't know is this a passing phase or is this who I am. Sometimes I attribute it to growing up, or being a lost soul or being mentally stuck to being a teenager.
But whatever it is, I hope to recover soon."