We all go through an array of emotions on seeing a 4 or 5 year old. More specifically keeping aside the "Aww" & "How cute" the predominant feeling is that of wanting to run back to your days as a child, savour each & every moment as it passed.
And that's why most of us believe in those cliched quotes which revolve around how we always wanted to grow up as kids & how as grownups we want to go back to our days of glory!
Coming to think of it, like everyone else, I wish I could too.
To those times when no matter how you dressed up no one would be excessively judgmental about it. Nor would you be over critical about people & their choices, their clothes, their dressing sense, their theories about life, their philosophies, their traits.
To those times when a guy you shared your crayons with was your friend.
Now even despite sharing a mother, there is animosity between brothers.
To those times when the one task which would leave me in a tizzy would be nothing but colouring inside the lines.
Not endless submissions in school coupled with expectations & pressures.
To those times when 'being cynical' were words which I would eventually learn to spell.
To those times when the only things I had to choose from where the clothes my doll would wear.
To those times when everything could somehow become a thing for your parents to deal with.
So maybe these thoughts just stem from extreme laziness & partial inadequacy in living life as I inch closer on a bridge to being a grown up. Yes, this point of view definetly comes from the fact that there's a part of me completely unprepared to face life as such. Unprepared to leave a mind which is still holding on to the last remains of innocence. Unprepared to live a life where nothing will shield me from disappointments. But someday I actually will be ready. I'll be armed. To become an individual. I'll be ready to grow up. :)