Friday, July 19, 2013

What is love gurl, I don't know.

As they stand before me, my parents are quite the painted picture of a love story from the 80's. Not being shy or rather not being a hypocrite, my father holds my mother in his arms and I can see bountiful measures of love, right in front of my eyes.  
On the 13th of July, they celebrated
21 years of having met. As a child, I never truly realised why this day held more significance for them than their wedding anniversary.
As a teenager who has been a part of the generation which was the harbinger of western sitcoms or dramcoms and romcoms to the Indian television, I've grown up watching Mondler (Monica and Chandler) and idol worshipping them as the ideal couple. The whole process of falling in love was made into a phenomena because of those shows.
So the whole concept of being in love, atleast in my eyes, involved  adventures everyday, gifts, loads of surprises and great dinners.
Now coming back to my parents.
On this 13th, my dad ended up reaching home at 11 in the night, my mom stayed up for him and they had normal, home cooked dinner.
No gifts, no exquisite dinners or anything.
Just faith, hope and reassurance & a commitment of standing with each other, which was conveyed by just that simple late dinner.
My Mondler has been re-defined by my parents. The fact that they met because of an arranged match but knew the moment when they saw each other that this was "the one", makes me realise that day of realisation, of actually seeing your soulmate in flesh and bones is always going to triumph over the day they were legally bound to each other, in matters of importance.
So here is to people who make me see love through the glasses of realism.

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