Saturday, February 8, 2014

Fate and some other thing

There is a question that has been plaguing me. Can fate be controlled?
People have blind faith in gem stones, a talking parrot picking out a card that would predict your future, tarot cards that are supposed to tell you how your future will shape up but my question is that despite all these manifestations of the human obsession with wanting control over the unknown (fate), can we actually manage to do so?
The philosophy of whatever happens, happens for the best is mildly baffling me.
If it is indeed true, why are certain people beggars? Why does suffering exist?
If someone looses their parents or spouse, is it for the best?
A recent discussion opened my mind to another belief that we all get what we deserve, which explains the concept of suffering better.
There is another possibility that while we have been falsely lead into believing that our actions control our fate, our fate is probably predetermined and our actions have no implications over it.
I believe that centuries ago, when the world must've been a haven for the dark and the twisted, some man probably to lessen the mean behavior of man kind, came up with this concept to make the world a better place to live in. The fear of your present changing your future is bound to get a few people to move away from their vile ways.